Showing posts with label Lethal Dissertation Mistakes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lethal Dissertation Mistakes. Show all posts

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

These Mistakes in Your Dissertation Can be Lethal

Lethal Dissertation Mistake
Dissertation writing is none other than a gamble. You never know what the examiner doesn’t like get you disqualified. One has to be very careful in dissertation writing and it must be written with complete presence of mind. Dissertation writing does not necessarily have to be difficult but it is very tricky so it is important to know how to write essay and dissertation. You should the know mistakes you can make in your dissertation writing to be careful of making them:
  1. Never include anyone’s personal information from an interview in the dissertation. The interviews and surveys are there to help you answer the question of your dissertation. They aren’t supposed to give you the answer so there is no need to do using anyone’s information in your dissertation unless that person is someone who is a famous businessman or in se way he is directly related to the work.
  2. Never leave the dissertation unconcluded. A dissertation must be concluded very well in order to satisfy the reader. You don’t know your examiner personally and the work is in front of him to represent you. That work speaks volumes about you. The question of your dissertation writing will never be answered if you do not conclude the dissertation well. If dissertation writing is not concluded properly, it shows lack of preparation in your part. And since the examiner does not know you, you will never have the benefit of doubt.
  3. Never delay the work due to any reason. When you get a dissertation to write that becomes the only thing in your life. Leave everything where it is, and start the work right away. Dissertation writing has many challenges so it also takes a lot of time to write. If you do not use time wisely you can end up in a lot of trouble.
  4. Never use anyone’s work without their permission or without giving them credit. This will be a type of plagiarism. If you must use something from a website, rephrase and rewrite the entire thing by first understanding it yourself and then write I down which will also be very helpful to you in many ways later. If you have to use a few lines exactly because they can’t be said better any other way in your dissertation writing then write it down in commas and always mention the source, the name of the person who wrote it and in which book.
  5. Never write your dissertation in random format. There are mainly two types of dissertation structure and take advice from your supervisor on that. Dissertation writing always has a structure and it can be written in no other way.
  6. When you find yourself idle for a few days, and you don’t know where to turn and what to do now with no help available, instead of wasting your time further hire yourself a dissertation writing service which will be the only help you can trust. Dissertation writing takes time even for the expert so the sooner you contact them the better it will be for you.